Braveheart Conference: Liverpool One Church

Liverpool One Church

Braveheart Conference 2025

Welcome to Braveheart

Braveheart Conference is a national women's event held at the ACC in Liverpool from Friday 16th May to Saturday 17th May 2025.

Braveheart teaches girls from all walks of life to fiercely fight for her value and worth. We believe there is a sound that makes the enemy tremble, and it's the sound of a daughter awakening to purpose.

Conference Schedule 2025

DAY 1 - 16th May

17:30pm - Registration Opens
19:00pm - Session 1

DAY 2 - 17th May

08:30 - Registration Opens
09:30 - Session 2
11:00 - Break
11:45 - Session 3/4
14:00 - Lunch Break
18:00 - Session 5

*subject to change

History of Braveheart

Braveheart Conference exists to teach girls from all walks of life to fiercely fight for their value and worth. An army of women that believe that the ordinary everyday woman has something extra ordinary about her and that is the ability to overcome.

It takes a Brave-Hearted woman to fiercely fight for what she believes and to never ever hold back.  She doesn’t ever give up on hope, and sees every problem as a hurdle to be overcome. Determined and strong, she embraces her future, reminding herself that what she is fighting for is worth it.

Mayo Angelou once said;

“You may not control all the events that happen to you,
But you can decide not to be reduced by them.”

Your future awaits you my beautiful friend, so run like the wind, seize every opportunity and live a life worth living. You are a lioness to be reckoned with, Brave-hearted and feminine to the core, and in this environment you learn how to use your roar.


Looking for fun things to do?

Check out all the best spots in Liverpool to visit while you're with us for the conference.

If you're into your food,  there is also a wide variety of spots to check out. 

Click on the link below to see what else Liverpool has to offer!

A Daily Dose of Brave

A Daily Dose of Brave is a 30-day devotional written by our very own Ps. Emma Bryant.

This devotional is written for women from every walk of life, no matter what age or life stage you find yourself at. This is to encourage you and remind you that you are not alone. A Daily Dose of Brave will take you on a journey of understanding, showing you what it is to be brave, how to speak brave and how to remain brave. 

Order your copy below!


At every Braveheart we party, we pray, we laugh, we cry but the best part is, we’re there together. So, what are you waiting for girlfriend? Your best days are ahead of you.

Come and discover the beautiful truth about yourself and the God who knows and loves.

Braveheart is an event created for all women no matter who you are. We would love to have you, your friends, your family, anyone you know to come and join us for what will be an amazing weekend at Braveheart conference.

There are parking options around the ACC centre including the Kings Dock car park directly linked to the arena. The Q park, Duke street car park and other options are also available around the arena. 

The ACC is fully accessible to all, with many ways they can provide accessible toilets, entrances, as well as accessible drop off points and accessible seating bays.  

For more information click here

Unfortunately on this occasion childcare is not provided for Braveheart conference. 

Once tickets are sold out please join our mailing list here to find out more information about Braveheart conference and future events.

Yes! You can split the cost of a ticket into 3 monthly payments to make it easier. Simply head to the ticket purchase page and select the 'Payment Plan Ticket' option. 

Have more questions?

Coming on your own?

Are you coming on your own to conference this year?

If so then join our Come On Your Own (COYO) group of girls who will meetup and sit together for this year's conference, along with getting food and coffee together in between sessions.
